Are you ready for Conversion Rate Optimization?

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Getting traffic to your shop is not easy. 

If it were easy, everyone would be a success!

So the last thing you want is to waste time, effort or money on something that’s not giving you a return – and not even realize it!

That’s why we measure and monitor things like Conversation Rate, Cost per Acquisition and Profit. In fact, we want to optimize our marketing and our shop for these kinds of revenue-based numbers by doing Conversion Rate Optimization.

Optimization is the process of making something less wasteful while also providing better results. 

Instead of buying more and more ads, we optimize our shop to convert more of our visitors.

More revenue for the same ad spend.

Instead of pinning 100s of times a day, we optimize our pins to appeal to our target audience and get more clicks per pin.

The same traffic from Pinterest with much less effort.

I follow all the experts. Is my shop already optimized?

There’s a lot of great advice out there. 

There’s also a lot of “just OK” advice that works for some people, but doesn’t work for a whole lot of others.

Some of it is “best practice”.

Some is “throw it at a wall and see what sticks” practice.

Step one is to follow advice you trust, about building sustainable, targeted traffic and a shop that encourages people to buy.

Follow those best practices.

Step two is to make it work the best for you. This is where optimization comes in!

Optimization is about testing – again & again – and figuring out what works for YOU: your shop, your product, your audience.

Some “best practices” will fall by the wayside.

Some of those random tips will turn out to be gold.

And your shop will be even better!

But there’s a catch…

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